by Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard is well known as one of the most influential teachers and writers of spiritual work. Beginning in the Great Depression of the 1930s, his methods influenced countless people.
This wonderful book, written by one of the most gifted spiritual teacher of the Twentieth Century, contains the very essence of the Principle of Expression. The author teaches readers that the source of all creation is the mind, and he explains how a person can succeed in the manifestation process through the right use of mind. He reveals the true meaning of affirmations, and delves into the creative power of mental images.
God responds to prayers that command in harmony with the consciousness of the individual. This requires Faith and Belief. Ask and you shall receive, but ask as though you have already received — and with thankfulness and gratitude that your prayers have been answered!
A practical way for guaranteed success is revealed in this little masterpiece called "At Your Command".
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Law of Attraction
At Your Command is the first book written, in 1939, by one of the most gifted spiritual teacher of the Twentieth Century, Neville Goddard. Beginning in the Great Depression of the 1930s, his methods influenced countless people, until his death in 1972.
This little masterpiece contains the very essence of the Principle of Expression, also known as Law of Attraction. The author teaches readers that the source of all creation is the mind, and he explains how a person can succeed in the manifestation process through the right use of mind. He reveals the true meaning of affirmations, and delves into the creative power of mental images.
God, the awareness of being
Man can man decree a thing and that thing has to occur. It always has been so: not one thing has ever appeared in man’s world but what man decreed that it should. This decreeing is based upon a changeless principle. You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations; such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.
No matter what happens to man in this world, it is never an accident. It occurs under the guidance of an exact and changeless Law.
Every spiritual person will agree with the statement that all things were made by God, but what man does not agree upon is the identity of God.
God is the awareness of being. That is the door through which the manifestations of life pass into the world of form.
Moses discovered God to be man’s awareness of being, when he declared these little understood words, “I AM hath sent me unto you.” And the awareness of beingas God is stated hundreds of times also in the New Testament.
Consciousness, the resurrecting power
Consciousness is the resurrecting power — resurrecting that which man is conscious of being. Man is ever out-picturing that which he is conscious of being. This is the truth that makes man free, for man is always self-imprisoned or self-freed.
If you will give up all of your former beliefs in a God apart from yourself, and claim God as our awareness of being — as Jesus and the prophets did — you will transform your world with the realization that, “I and my father are one.” The ‘father’ is the awareness of being; the 'son' is that which we are conscious of being, and which therefore manifest into your life.
In the awareness of being all things are possible. This is his decreeing — rising in consciousness to the naturalness of being the thing desired.
To be born again
You are, at this very moment, drawing into your world that which you are now conscious of being. If you are dissatisfied with your present expression in life, the only way to change it is to take your attention away from that which seems so real to you and rise in consciousness to that which you desire to be. To dissolve a problem that now seems so real to you, all that you do is remove your attention from it. In spite of its seeming reality, turn from it in consciousness. Become indifferent and begin to feel yourself to be that which would be the solution of the problem.
You cannot serve two masters, therefore to take your attention from one state of consciousness and place it upon another, is to die to one and live to the other. Now you can see what is meant by “You must be born again.”
You cannot put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments. That is: you cannot take with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man. All of your present beliefs, fears and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness. If you would transcend this level you must leave behind all that is now your present self, or conception of yourself. To do this you take your attention away from all that is now your problem or limitation and dwell upon just being.
True meaning of prayer
Praying then, is seen to berecognizing yourself to be that which you now desire, rather than its accepting form of petitioning a God — that does not exist — for that which you now desire.
Recognition is the power that conjures in the world. Every state that you have ever recognized, you have embodied. That which you are recognizing as true of yourself today is that which you are experiencing.
The very moment your claim is established to the point of conviction, that moment you begin to draw unto yourself the evidence of your claim. Do not question the how of these things appearing: they do, that's all. Do not speculate as to the how of this consciousness embodying itself, for no man is wise enough to know the how. Speculation is proof that you have not attained to the naturalness of being the thing desired and so are filled with doubts.
Things have no reality other than in consciousness. Therefore, get the consciousness first and the thing is compelled to appear. The signs always follow, they never precede.
Change your consciousness
The only way to change your expressions of life is to change your consciousness. For consciousness is the reality that eternally solidifies itself in the things round about you. Man’s world in its every detail is his consciousness out-pictured.
Knowing this, begin to revalue yourself. Man has placed too little value upon himself. In other words, you can only be to others what you are first to yourself.
So awake to the power that you are, not as man, but as your true self, a faceless, formless awareness, and free yourself from your self-imposed prison.
The reason most of you fail to realize your desires is because you are constantly conditioning them. Do not condition your desire. Just accept it as it comes to you. Give thanks for it to the point that you are grateful for having already received it — then go about your way in peace.
Such acceptance of your desire is like dropping seed — fertile seed — into prepared soil. For when you can drop the thing desired in consciousness, confident that it shall appear, you have done all that is expected to you. But, to be worried or concerned about the how of your desire maturing is to hold these fertile seeds in a mental grasp, and, therefore, never to have dropped them in the soil of confidence. The reason men condition their desires is because they constantly judge after the appearance of being and see the things as real — forgetting that the only reality is the consciousness back of them.
The world at your command
Dwell upon just being by saying, “I AM,” “I AM,” “I AM,” to yourself. Continue to declare to yourself that you just are. Do not condition this declaration, just continue to feel yourself to be and without warning you will find yourself slipping the anchor that tied you to the shallow of your problems and moving out into the deep. Because you have lost all consciousness of your problems and barriers, it is now the easiest thing in the world to feel yourself to be one with the things desired.
You have become so enmeshed in the belief that you are man, that you have forgotten the glorious being that you are. Now, with your memory restored, decree the unseen to appear and it shal appear, for all things are compelled to respond to the Voice of God, your awareness of being — the world is at your command!
Neville Goddard's works
1939 – At Your Command
1941 – Your Faith is Your Fortune
1945 – Prayer: The Art of Believing
1946 – Awakened Imagination
1949 – Out of This World
1952 – The Power of Awareness
1956 – Seedtime and Harvest
1961 – The Law and The Promise
1966 – Resurrection
1977 – Immortal Man [Collection of lectures in book form]
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